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Our Story

Read-It-To-Me was born out of frustration about how difficult it is to engage with information about the products we use.

In the world today, information around products should be readily accessible and in a format that anyone and everyone around the world can access, in a format that we all understand.

Yet not everyone is able to read - BUT everyone can listen in their national language. 

In-fact >$230Bn excess p/a of excess spend across the US as approx. 50% of American citizens cannot read well enough to understand health information. Now imagine this globally.

Read-It-To-Me Founder

Prof. Ashley George FRSC

Read It To me was founded in 2019 by a Life science & Tech professional Prof. Ashley George FRSC as a cynical chemist with over 25 years of battle hardened experience in FTSE100 Life Sciences Organisation and Founder of 2 Global Not-For-Profits.


For the last 9 years, he led the Global Innovation and Consumerisation Centre of Excellence, that spanned disruptive tech-led & enabled business change across: Research & Development, Manufacturing Supply Chain, Sales and Marketing for Pharmaceuticals, Consumer HealthCare, FMCG & Vaccines.


Now using this unique perspective and vantage point has formulated the Read It To Me concept that takes quality  information to where real people live their lives, rather than where traditional companies would like people to live their lives.

And now Read It To Me can extend across all Information.



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Georgi Denchev




Ventsi Hristov



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